How to Change Color of SVG

How to Change Color of SVG

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How to Change Color of SVG, changing the color of an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) involves manipulating the styling or attributes of the SVG elements. SVGs are XML-based vector image formats widely used for web graphics. For example, for reference material, you can visit and download it at Creative Fabrica. Here’s a detailed guide on how to change the color of an SVG using various methods:

1. Inline Style Attribute:

In SVGs, the inline style attribute offers a straightforward way to directly apply styling to individual elements. The style attribute can be added to an SVG element, specifying the fill property to determine its color. This method is particularly useful for quick, one-off color changes without the need for external stylesheets or scripting.


<svg width="100" height="100">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" style="fill: blue;"></circle>

In this example, the circle element is given an inline style attribute (style="fill: blue;"), causing it to be filled with a blue color. This approach is suitable for small-scale projects or instances where a specific color adjustment is required for a single element within the SVG.


  • Simplicity: Inline styling is easy to implement and requires minimal markup changes.
  • Quick Adjustments: Well-suited for rapid color modifications without affecting other parts of the document.


  • Maintainability: In larger projects, managing styles across multiple elements might become challenging without the organization provided by external stylesheets.
  • Reusability: This method is less reusable compared to CSS classes and may not be the most efficient solution for consistent styling throughout a project.

Best Practices:

  • Reserve inline styling for small-scale projects or when a specific, isolated change is needed.
  • If multiple elements share the same color, consider using external stylesheets or classes for better maintainability.

By understanding the benefits and considerations of employing the inline style attribute, developers can make informed decisions on when to utilize this method for changing the color of SVG elements.

2. CSS Stylesheet:

Leveraging a CSS stylesheet provides a more structured and scalable approach to styling SVG elements. By assigning classes to SVG components, developers can apply styles consistently throughout the document. This method promotes code organization, reusability, and easier maintenance.


<svg width="100" height="100" class="custom-svg">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40"></circle>
.custom-svg circle {
fill: green;

In this example, the custom-svg class is applied to the SVG element, and the color property for the enclosed circle element is defined in an external CSS stylesheet. This separation of concerns allows for clear distinctions between structure and presentation, aiding in the efficient management of styles across multiple SVG elements.


  • Maintainability: Centralizing styles in a stylesheet enhances code organization and simplifies maintenance.
  • Consistency: Classes can be reused across various SVG elements, ensuring a consistent color scheme.
  • Scalability: Suitable for projects with multiple SVGs, as changes can be applied globally through the stylesheet.


  • Initial Setup: Setting up external stylesheets may require additional effort compared to inline styling.
  • Load Time: External stylesheets are separate requests, potentially affecting page load times. Consider optimizing stylesheets for performance.

Best Practices:

  • Use external stylesheets for projects with multiple SVG elements or those requiring consistent styling.
  • Organize styles hierarchically to maintain clarity, especially in large projects.

By adopting the CSS stylesheet approach, developers can create a more modular and maintainable codebase, making it easier to manage and update the visual aspects of SVG elements across an entire web project.

3. Using JavaScript:

Incorporating JavaScript provides a dynamic and interactive means to alter SVG colors based on user interactions or other dynamic conditions. This approach involves selecting the SVG element through its ID or class and programmatically modifying its attributes, such as the fill property.


<svg width="100" height="100" id="dynamic-svg">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40"></circle>
document.getElementById('dynamic-svg').querySelector('circle').setAttribute('fill', 'red');

In this example, the color of the circle element within the SVG with the ID dynamic-svg is changed to red using JavaScript. This dynamic approach is useful for scenarios where color changes need to be responsive to user actions or dynamic data.


  • Dynamic Interactivity: JavaScript allows for real-time color changes, making it suitable for interactive applications.
  • Condition-based Changes: Colors can be altered based on dynamic conditions or user inputs.


  • Script Loading: Ensure that the JavaScript code is loaded and executed after the SVG elements are rendered.
  • Performance: Excessive use of JavaScript for styling might impact performance. Consider optimizing code for efficiency.

Best Practices:

  • Use JavaScript for color changes in response to user interactions, animations, or dynamic data updates.
  • Opt for event-driven approaches to trigger color changes based on specific user actions.

By employing JavaScript, developers can create more engaging and interactive user experiences, with the ability to dynamically adjust SVG colors based on various conditions. This method is particularly valuable for web applications that require real-time updates and user-driven interactivity.

4. Gradient Fills:

SVGs support gradient fills, allowing for more sophisticated and visually appealing color transitions. Gradients are defined within the <defs> (definitions) section of the SVG, and the created gradient can be referenced in the fill attribute of the SVG elements.


<svg width="100" height="100">
<linearGradient id="custom-gradient" x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="100%" y2="100%">
<stop offset="0%" style="stop-color: blue; stop-opacity: 1" />
<stop offset="100%" style="stop-color: red; stop-opacity: 1" />
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" fill="url(#custom-gradient)"></circle>

In this example, a linear gradient is defined in the <defs> section with the ID custom-gradient. The circle element within the SVG then references this gradient in the fill attribute, resulting in a smooth transition from blue to red.


  • Smooth Transitions: Gradients enable seamless color transitions, adding visual depth to SVGs.
  • Color Variety: Supports complex color schemes and patterns through the configuration of gradient stops.


  • Learning Curve: Understanding and creating gradient definitions may require familiarity with gradient syntax and options.
  • Complexity: Gradients might introduce additional complexity to the SVG markup.

Best Practices:

  • Utilize gradients for artistic and visually engaging effects, such as backgrounds or complex shapes.
  • Experiment with different gradient types, including radial gradients, to achieve varied visual outcomes.

By incorporating gradient fills, developers can enhance the visual aesthetics of SVGs, introducing smooth color transitions and intricate patterns. This method is particularly effective when aiming for more artistic and visually dynamic representations in web graphics.

5. CSS Pseudo-Elements and Filters:

Employing CSS pseudo-elements and filters provides a versatile way to create advanced color effects within SVGs. This technique involves creating additional pseudo-elements, such as ::before or ::after, and applying filters like mix-blend-mode to achieve unique color blends.


<svg width="100" height="100" class="filtered-svg">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40"></circle>
.filtered-svg::before {
content: "";
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-color: yellow;
mix-blend-mode: multiply;

In this example, a yellow pseudo-element (::before) is created for the SVG with the class filtered-svg. The mix-blend-mode: multiply; CSS property is applied, resulting in a color blend with the underlying SVG content.


  • Creative Effects: Pseudo-elements and filters offer a wide range of creative possibilities for color manipulation.
  • Layering: Allows for the creation of layered effects on top of existing SVG content.


  • Compatibility: Some filters and blend modes may not be supported in older browsers.
  • Complexity: Advanced effects may require fine-tuning and experimentation.

Best Practices:

  • Use pseudo-elements and filters for artistic effects or when aiming to create visually dynamic SVGs.
  • Test compatibility across different browsers to ensure consistent rendering.

By leveraging CSS pseudo-elements and filters, developers can add intricate color overlays and effects to SVGs, providing a powerful toolset for creative expression and design customization. This method is particularly valuable when seeking to create visually distinctive and innovative graphics on the web.


Changing the color of SVGs offers a spectrum of techniques, each catering to specific needs and levels of customization. The choice of method depends on factors such as simplicity, maintainability, interactivity, and the desired visual outcome.

  1. Inline Style Attribute:

    The use of inline styles provides a quick and straightforward solution for isolated color changes. It is suitable for smaller projects or instances where minimal styling is required. However, in larger projects, managing styles across multiple elements may become challenging, affecting maintainability.

  2. CSS Stylesheet:

    Employing external stylesheets promotes code organization, reusability, and scalability. This method is ideal for projects with multiple SVG elements, ensuring a consistent color scheme and facilitating easier maintenance. It is essential to organize styles hierarchically for clarity in larger projects.

  3. Using JavaScript:

    JavaScript introduces dynamic interactivity, allowing for real-time color changes based on user interactions or dynamic conditions. This method is powerful for creating interactive applications but should be used judiciously to avoid performance issues. Event-driven approaches are recommended for triggering color changes in response to specific user actions.

  4. Gradient Fills:

    SVG gradients provide a visually appealing way to transition between colors smoothly. By defining gradients within the <defs> section, developers can achieve intricate color patterns. Gradients are especially useful for artistic effects, and experimenting with different gradient types can yield diverse visual outcomes.

  5. CSS Pseudo-Elements and Filters:

    CSS pseudo-elements and filters offer a creative avenue for advanced color effects. By introducing pseudo-elements and applying filters like mix-blend-mode, developers can create layered and visually dynamic SVGs. While this method provides artistic flexibility, it requires careful consideration of browser compatibility and potential complexity.

In conclusion, the choice of method depends on the specific requirements of the project. Simple and static color changes may warrant inline styles, while larger projects benefit from the organizational structure of external stylesheets. For dynamic applications, JavaScript provides the necessary interactivity, while gradients and filters offer artistic possibilities. Understanding the strengths and considerations of each method empowers developers to make informed decisions based on their project goals and design objectives.